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Sixth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning



Monday March 24, 2003


Symposium Opening


Invited Speaker: Marvin Minsky, MIT, USA


Morning Tea

11:00 Ability and action
     R. H. Thomason

Coverage and competency in formal theories: a commonsense theory of memory
     A.S. Gordon and J.R. Hobbs

Revisiting the problem of belief revision with uncertain evidence
     A. Darwiche and H. Chan




Invited Speaker: John McCarthy , Stanford University, USA


On the qualification problem and elaboration tolerance
     A. Kakas and L. Michael


Afternoon Tea

4:00 Integrating belief-desire-intention approaches with POMDPS: The case of team oriented programs
     R. Nair, M. Tambe, and S. Marsella

Clarifying the use of structural models for commonsense causal reasoning
      M. Hopkins and J. Pearl

Reinforcing a claim in commonsense reasoning
     J. Campbell and V. Lifschitz

Tuesday March 25, 2003

9:00 Invited Speaker: Douglas Lenat, CYCORP
; 10:00 The role of definitions in construction and analysis of formal ontologies
     B. Bennett
10:30 Morning Tea
11:00 Annotating and reasoning about time and events
     J.R. Hobbs and J. Pustejovsky

Temporal Logical Filtering
     E. Amir and S. Russell

A formal assessment result for fluent calculus using the action description language A_k
     O. Kahramanogullar and M. Thielscher

12:30  Lunch
2:00 A preliminary study on reasoning about causes
     P. Cabalar

Probability from Similarity
          S. Blok, D. Medin and D. Osherson

Sensor data assimilation as database transactions
      M.V. Santos

3:30 Afternoon Tea
4:00 Some mathematical structures underlying efficient planning
     A. Parmar
4:30 PANEL: Applications of Commonsense

      Leora Morgenstern, IBM, USA

Wednesday March 26, 2003

9:30am Invited Speaker: Hector Levesque, University of Toronto, Canada

10:30 Morning Tea
11:00 A language for procedural and htn-based domain constraints
     C. Baral, T.C. Son, and L-C Tuan

Logic programs with consistency-restoring rules

     M. Balduccini and M. Gelfond

Towards a commonsense Kalman filter for activity tracking
     C. Tessier

12:30 Workshop Close